Rimessello News
The online RIMESSELLO sale has begun. Discounts group rates for: Club del gommone, Ports, Private Clubs, Navy Leagues etc.

More and more people use the Rimessello - for z drives aswell With a little creativity and a boat hook, the foot of your motor is protected from photosynthesis and therefore protected by the formation of barnacles and vegetation.

Why use it
Why has the RIMESSELLO been so successful?

Because it protects the foot motor from galvanic currents, vegetation and salt corrosion

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How to Mount
The RIMESSELLO allows you, with a few simple steps, to protect the foot of your motor, or to store the engine directly in the water.

See how it mounts

ordina Online
The online RIMESSELLO sale has begun.

Discounts group rates for: Club del gommone, Ports, Private Clubs, Navy Leagues etc.

+39 081 76 11 224
via del Parco Margherita 12 - Napoli - 80121 - IT